Welcome to our company!
Feel free to contact us and our experts will give you professional advice on the development of custom software. We are always open for new projects.
You can contact us by phone, email or make an appointment at our office.
We will be happy to assist you and answer all your questions.
ITA Labs
Address: Russia, 117279, Moscow, Profsoyuznaya st, 93a, office 17(495) 660-39-60Phone:
(495) 660-39-60Fax:
Unsure whether to call? Call, do not hesitate! You are welcome!
Address and Map

Profsoyuznaya st, 93a in the ZNIIEP building. The central entrance. 2nd floor. Office 17
ZNIIEP building - is a 5-storey long building with a bright blue sign "INCOM" at the end. Sign - a key element in our address, because there is one more long 5-storey long building with bright sign at the end, just the sign on it is not blue and is not "INCOM". Please do not go there.
Walk directions
Subway station "Belyaevo", 1st wagon from the city center, exit into subway, turn to the left, walk to the end and exit to the street to the right. Walk 300 meters along the street, long 5-storey building with a bright blue sign "INCOM" at the end.
Drive directions
From city center
Drive along Profsoyuznaya street from the city center, turn left at the crossing with Miklukho-Maklaya street and immediately turn right to the side passage. Drive 300 meters to the 5-storey long building with a bright blue sign "INCOM" at the end.
To city center
Drive along Profsoyuznaya street towards the city center, 300 meters before crossing of Profsoyuznaya and Miklukho-Maklaya streets (right after the bus stop) turn right to the office parking near ZNIIEP building.